Peter Rathanman, CEO of Allis Tool, was gearing up for his company's 70th Anniversary, which included a re-branding of his company to Allis Manufacturing. Peter bought the business several years ago, and has been driving excellence every since; and to be a part of that package, he wanted a mural on the side of his building celebrating the rich manufacturing tradition West Allis has.

This was in 2020, before the pandemic. When things were uncertain during the first stages of the spreading coronavirus we decided to put this project on hold. In 2022 started again. We met with Peter to discuss a design and he knew some key images he wanted. Allis Chalmers, the powerhouse of manufacturing in the early part of last century, needed to be included Peter had vast knowledge of the history of manufacturing in West Allis. "West Allis was the machine shop for the world," he told us. Peter wrote a nice article about the rest of the images here

Peter has named this mural "Timeless Manufacturing", an appropriate title, considering the pride Peter, this community, and all of Wisconsin has for their history and contributions. We were happy to be part of this tradition.


Location: 635 S 94th St, West Allis, WI 53214, USA

Project Locations